Friday, February 18, 2011

Affiliates Secrets - Why Ping Your Blog?

Hey guys Dan here,

I wanted to inform you - my readers - of a little unknown secret for those of you who are running blogs or running blogs as websites. This point here that I’m going to give you is critical to off page seo anytime you have a blog. Whether the blog is for information purposes or if its generating you money.

Make sure you post on your blog on a regular basis. At least once a month to keep the content fresh for the search engines ( Google ) now here is the big trick once you have updated your blog. Goto a website called pingomatic

Yes I can hear you now…What is ping-o-matic it’s a very simple website that will ping all the major blog sites and inform them that you have changed your content and that your blog is still relevant to your topic.

In basic terms.....

Pingomatic sends a signal to the sites listed each time you ping.
The idea of a ping is to let these sites know you have updated or added new content.

Now some people say that If you use wordpress it will ping out your blog automatically anyway so no need to use this. This is true although with my wordpress blog I still do it. Why? basically because it easy to do and you don’t have to wait days for word press to do it for you. So for me its basically a time thing. I want the blogs to know now…Not a week from now that I have updated the blog.

This little tatic will also help in your rankings as well. As long as you update the blog at least once a month.

If you would like to know more about ping-o-matic you can always visit us

Until next time,
